Friday, August 27, 2010

Scam!!! on craigslist. :( Welcome to the real world.

Oh dear. I've just met the real world, and it's not so trustworthy.

Background: I've been wanting to buy a used Playstation 3 on craigslist since about a year ago. Actually, right about this time last year I purchased one from a poster on craigslist, and it was quite a good deal. I had to sell it for the sake of money needs, but now that I've got steady work again, I decided it was time to look for a replacement to my long-lost video game pal.

I found a used old-style (80 GB, for you technically interested) PS3 for $170. I thought that this seemed reasonable, a little bit lower price than others online, but not low enough to be scam worthy. I called the guy ("Terrence," he said his name was. Hi Terrence!) and he said it was still available. So I drove the 45 minutes out to meet him.

Upon arriving, he greeted me and showed me inside, and turned on the PS3. It started up great, ran a game well, everything I would expect. I told him I would buy it. Now, pay attention, here's the scam...

He took it off the desk, unplugged it, and took it out to the garage. Told his friend to "put it in a bag." Meanwhile, I'm digging out my money. He brings it back in, tells me to grab the controller, and I hand him the money, and I leave.

Yay! I've got a PS3! Unfortunately, he swapped systems on me. When I got home, I had a couple reasons to believe this. 1) When I started it up, the user names that had been on the PS3 I had seen were no longer there, which indicates it was a different system. 2) It no longer would read any discs, not Blu-Ray, DVD, or game discs. 3) I don't really have a #3, it just feels good to have a three-point list.

SO, beware, my little ones! The world isn't as nice as the first craigslist interaction as I had. Keep an eye on what you're buying! Make sure there's no swippy-swaps! Be safe! Don't do drugs! Keep your eye on the ball! Do your homework! Paint the fence! Wax on, wax off!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


My grandfather is showing me pictures of his dad.

He is a thin but strong looking man--his fortitude is evident in his chin, which has a pronounced cleft. His eyes have a piercing solemnity, but his lips betray the slightest happiness. Probably glad he's married to the woman my grandpa shows me next. "My mom was a good lookin' gal." Agreed.

Apparently he was in the service--which, who knows. Some sort of infantry. The next picture I see of my great grandfather could be a different man. His face is hard with a concrete scowl. Even more striking is the breadth of his shoulders. He likely just got done throwing horses over a wall, and is frustrated that there's nothing else to throw.

The most interesting thing about this experience is my grandpa. He's a relatively unsentimental, telling an occasional wry joke, and only getting angry when dinner's late or if you forget to turn off the lights. But there's a sense of respect and admiration for his parents that I catch as he handles the photographs; something I wish I could share with him except that I never knew them.

I don't think I've ever witnessed him bear such reverence for someone.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's business time...

So, I'm selling some games on

It's addicting.

I want to sell more things, but I don't know what (maybe copyright free dvds?), except I want it to be cheap overhead, and I want to make ALOT of money.


So, I'm asking him: HOW DO I DO THIS? It's cake to mail this stuff, it's kind of fun packing it up and mailing it off. And I keep thinking about the check I'll be getting at the end of the month. Cheddar comin'.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Try

This is the first post for my blog. oh boy.

It's a little pretentious, right? Who cares what we're saying up here? And if you do care, you should probably go out and get some air.

But there is some pretty interesting stuff on this whole internet thing.

Maybe you'll find something on here, one day.